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disk and disc

i just remembered that i envisioned this folder structure anyways and now i desire to utilize it. admittedly, i had a paragraph written of another entry from 5 months ago but it never really went anywhere. the tone i was writing it in was not inspiring at all despite the topic itself provoking me so i just discarded it. this entry takes on a completely new subject matter however. anyways, that was my 'writing about writing' section.

i wish to give a brief summary of some endeavours. i've had to do a lot of tinkering with my computer for various tasks. it first started with the disk image creation of a 14 year old hard drive; a 2 terabyte 'WD Caviar Green' hard drive once contained in an external drive enclosure before i eventually caved and attempted to shuck it. i still have yet to do anything with the image although i should eventually. i have moved to greener pastures by transfering my entire computer to a new case. i got severely tired of the cluttered cables in my old one (a shitty Gamdias case that i should not have purchased). meanwhile, my setup is now contained in an old Thermaltake case where i not only get space for more drives as well as i now have a disc reader again! listening to CDs just got even easier for me.

also, i'd like to give a shoutout to purchasing items secondhand. just the concept. not revolutionary or anything but man i love a good deal.